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The Last Supper (2013)

Less a commentary on the outdated and discarded technology, this piece uses 12 TV’s as a metaphor to explore our personal filtering mechanisms. In this interpretation of “The Last Supper”, the 12 televisions represent the apostles at the table. By facing the screens towards the

Wild Kingdom (2010)

Mixed media installation, 2010 Installation view / Detail of viewing hole / Interior view Wood, acrylic, wallpaper, archival pigment print, video & audio components 8"x13"x24"

Kinesthesia Room 1 (2012)

Upon entering this darkened environment, solely visible by the movement of an ethereal luminance, my spatial and physical awareness becomes obfuscated. As I slowly move around the space, color, light, and sounds modulate. What appears to be an object central to my surroundings becomes inaccessible

Feel Yourself Seeing (2013)

Although sight is the dominant sense, hearing, along with kinesthetic and proprioceptive receptors­–found within muscles, joints and skin–generally allow for a person to understand the movement and position of their body within space, even with their eyes closed.   By integrating visuals that either confirm or contradict our

sense non sense (2016)

As of September 3, 2016, the Indexed Web contains over 1 billion web sites and at least 4.71 billion pages according to Internet Live Stats and worldwidewebsize.com–and this is only what is being tracked. According to Market Wired, Cisco’s Visual Networking Index (VNI) predicts that